The object of this Association shall be the development of friendly business relations between its members, the promotion of legitimate interests of the Seed Trade within the State, and Co-operation with Educational and Regulatory Authorities and other interested agencies in the development of a sound and effective Seed Program in the interests of Agriculture. Any person, firm or corporation, interested in the objectives of this Association and subscribs to its purposes and qualifying for its requirements, may become a member
Active Membership shall consist of recognized individuals, firms or corporations regularly engaged in he distribution of seeds for planting, maintaining an established place of business within the State of Nebraska, and where principal business and income shall be derived from the buying, selling, processing and growing of field seeds, garden seeds and seed corn.
Associate Membership shall consist of individuals, firms or corporations in any way engaged or connected with the seed industry or its allied branches.
Each active member shall be entitled to one vote at any annual or special meeting of the Association, providing that no firm, partnership or corporation shall have the privilege of casting more than one vote. All firms, partnerships or corporations, represented at any meeting by more than one person, shall give authority in writing to the person empowered to cast its vote. Individuals associated with active members, and associate members, shall be entitled to participate in all meetings of the Association, but shall not be entitled to vote. Such individuals or members, however, shall be eligible to serve on committees.